Ryan Haft

Articles by Ryan Haft

This Article Was Written By An AI

August 26, 2019

The key to successful digital marketing starts with an understanding of some basic principles of advertising. Here’s everything you need to know about online marketing. (This pair of sentences was written by a human so the AI had something to build context off of.) Read more, and then make some decisions based on what works […]


Facebook and Us by Kara Lefkowitz

Facebook and Us by Kara Lefkowitz
May 20, 2019

Technology doesn’t surprise us anymore. Instagram updates every day, new emojis are a dime a dozen, and Facebook shows us ads for that pizza we’ve all been craving. All this combined presents a new frontier for commerce. For the first time what we spend money on, how long we stay on a sight, and potentially […]


Helping The Troops

Helping The Troops
November 27, 2018

Help For Our Heroes   Darren Seys, founder, and CEO of Peak Seven was quoted in the Miami Herald’s article There’s still lots of time to help others for Thanksgiving, this week. As a board member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization South Florida (EO), Darren indicated that troops in their early 20s needed guidance on “starting a […]


The Who’s Who in Real Estate

The Who’s Who in Real Estate
November 21, 2018

The Who’s Who in Real Estate If you’ve had that chance to read through this month’s edition of Parkland Lifestyle Magazine, you would have come across a great feature spotlighting Darren Seys, the founder and CEO of Peak Seven Advertising. As an agency, we are incredibly grateful and proud to be highlighted in this fantastic […]


Is Video Really the Key to Driving Social Success?

Is Video Really the Key to Driving Social Success?
September 28, 2018

Is Video the Answer? Back in 1980, The Buggles released a little song called Video Killed the Radio Star. It was a pop hit and is remembered for it’s message about how Video was going to take over radio, but moreover, all other forms of media.  In the past year, Facebook has instructed digital marketers […]