Category Archives: Branding

The Who’s Who in Real Estate

The Who’s Who in Real Estate
November 21, 2018

The Who’s Who in Real Estate If you’ve had that chance to read through this month’s edition of Parkland Lifestyle Magazine, you would have come across a great feature spotlighting Darren Seys, the founder and CEO of Peak Seven Advertising. As an agency, we are incredibly grateful and proud to be highlighted in this fantastic […]


Peak Seven Works Magic With Iconic Brands For Marketing Success

Peak Seven Works Magic With Iconic Brands For Marketing Success
November 30, 2016

As a Baton Raton-based marketing and advertising agency, it took much more than magic for Peak Seven to bring together brand giants Disney and Lennar for a successful promotional campaign this summer. Peak Seven representatives worked for more than one year on intensive planning, licensing negotiations and creative development with Disney and Lennar officials on […]


Could Game of Thrones Season 5 Leak Lead to High Demand for Scrap Metal?

April 15, 2015

Could the same Throniemania behind Game of Thrones’ recent episode leak lead to a high demand for scrap metal? Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a new Thronie (a self-labeled term for fellow Game of Thrones enthusiasts), if you’ve watched one episode of the popular television series, you’ve probably noticed the swords. With names like Widow’s Wail, Lightbringer, […]


Seeing is Learning: The Basics of a Great Infographic

Seeing is Learning: The Basics of a Great Infographic
September 22, 2014

Our society’s inability to unplug from technology and demand for instant gratification mean the attention and time we can dedicate to even the simplest tasks are decreasing. Even reading factual articles on the Internet is too time-consuming for us! Content shock, as we touched on earlier, is a phenomenon where readers skip reading articles in […]


6 Reasons Why You Need a Facebook Page for Business

6 Reasons Why You Need a Facebook Page for Business
August 20, 2014

It has been approximately nine years since Facebook consumed my life, and I’m not afraid to admit it. When Facebook first started to catch on, I was a sophomore in high school, and being the rebel that I was, I refused to get one initially. Keep in mind I initially also refused to try Chipotle […]