Category Archives: Culture

Pride Month In A Marketer’s World

Pride Month In A Marketer’s World
June 26, 2019

    From scrolling down your twitter feed to a stroll through the mall, it’s easy to see that this year’s Pride is in full swing. The month-long LGBT+ celebration is a beautiful conglomeration of activism, history, parties, and even marketing? Brands promoting gay pride publicly was unheard 50 years ago (Which is when the […]


Helping The Troops

Helping The Troops
November 27, 2018

Help For Our Heroes   Darren Seys, founder, and CEO of Peak Seven was quoted in the Miami Herald’s article There’s still lots of time to help others for Thanksgiving, this week. As a board member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization South Florida (EO), Darren indicated that troops in their early 20s needed guidance on “starting a […]


Net Neutrality and how it will affect your business in 2018

Net Neutrality and how it will affect your business in 2018
December 14, 2017

Today, The Federal Communications Commision, led by Chairman Ajit Pai, decided to remove Obama-era consumer protections and regulations on the internet.  You may have heard on the news in recent months that Net Neutrality was going to be repealed. Let’s discuss what exactly Net Neutrality was, what it did, and what it going away means […]


Mind the Nap – Sleep More, Create Better. (Part 2)

April 15, 2015

In our first installment, you got a peek of sleep’s benefits to boost creativity. Check out how sleep can help you with your next successful campaign and creative!   Log Happy Hours: Sleep makes us happier people Although not a direct creativity booster, a boost in happiness levels generally makes people more creative in that it motivates […]


How to Create Productivity from Your Office Design

February 16, 2015

Many people spend more time in their office than their living room. Whether you work in a cubicle or at a spacious home office, you can design your workspace so that it encourages productivity and peace of mind. Here at Peak Seven, we’ve just renovated our offices to increase the flow of ideas and create […]