Category Archives: Email Marketing
Net Neutrality and how it will affect your business in 2018
December 14, 2017
Today, The Federal Communications Commision, led by Chairman Ajit Pai, decided to remove Obama-era consumer protections and regulations on the internet. You may have heard on the news in recent months that Net Neutrality was going to be repealed. Let’s discuss what exactly Net Neutrality was, what it did, and what it going away means […]
READ MORE ShareSeeing is Learning: The Basics of a Great Infographic
September 22, 2014
Our society’s inability to unplug from technology and demand for instant gratification mean the attention and time we can dedicate to even the simplest tasks are decreasing. Even reading factual articles on the Internet is too time-consuming for us! Content shock, as we touched on earlier, is a phenomenon where readers skip reading articles in […]
READ MORE SharePeak Seven’s Beginner’s Guide to E-Mail Campaigns
July 25, 2014
We’ve heard that orange is the new black, 90’s fashion is back in style, and everybody’s juicing. These days it seems that everything we once knew to be true is being replaced by new and shiny trends. But does that mean social media is replacing email as the #1 direct marketing tool? According to, […]